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Join us through the final week of Slowing Christmas: a short moment of pause every day to slow our pace together thoughout the Advent Season.

We hope these moments of slowness bring you closer to yourself and your creator this Advent season. 

Day One: Unaware?

For the perfect Light of Truth was coming into the world
    and shine upon everyone.
He entered into the world he created,
    yet the world was unaware.

-John 1:9-10 (TPT)


As you find stillness in your body: 
Breathe in, saying: "For you I long"
Breathe out,  saying: "To be fully aware"


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.  

Lord, direct my awareness to you. Help my wandering thoughts to return to you.

Teach me how to stay with you now. I welcome your light.


Jesus entered the world. His light has come near.

You are loved. 


Day 2: Become

“He entered into the world he created,
    yet the world was unaware.
He came to the people he created—
    to those who should have received him,
    but they did not recognize him.
 But those who embraced him and took hold of his name
    he gave authority to become
    the children of God!

- John 1:10 - 12 (TPT)


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe out, saying "Welcome, Jesus"
Breathe in,  saying "I cling to your name"


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.

Lord what would you have me become? Where do I resist your forming? Speak with me about how you are forming me to be your child.


Jesus came into the world as a child, so that we could become God's children.

You are loved.


Day 3: Among Us

He was not born by the joining of human parents or from natural means, or by a man’s desire, but he was born of God. And so the Living Expression became a man and lived among us!

-John 1:13 - 14


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe out, saying "Immanuel"
Breathe in,  saying "God is with us."


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.  

there are times God I treat you as distant. Show me how you have drawn near me, near my loved ones, near the world.


God is in our midst. He lives among us. You are never alone.

You are loved.


Day 4: Gazed

And so the Living Expression
    became a man and lived among us!
We gazed upon his glory,
    the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father overflowing  with tender 
mercy and truth!

- John 1: 14 (TPT)


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe in, saying "I turn my gaze"
Breathe out,  saying "To Jesus"


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.  

What holds my gaze? Talk with me Jesus about where I can see your glory today.  How might I see you more fully?


In Jesus, the world beholds God. God's glory has come near.

You are loved.


Day 5: Love

This is how the love of God is revealed to us: God has sent his only Son into the world so that we can live through him.

- 1 John 4:9 (CEB)


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe in, saying "Jesus is born."
Breathe out,  saying "Love has come."


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.  

Lord be with me in these next few moments and let me feel your love.  I welcome your embrace, Jesus. Be near me lord Jesus, tonight and always.


Love is born. God has come near. Jesus has brought us life. 

You are loved.