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Staycation Camp is a three-evening event for households looking for some mid-summer fun.  This inter-generational event is open for all ages and stages, and will include opportunities for song, games, crafts, snacks, and a Bible story each evening.  We pack a lot of punch into our evening sessions that run from 6:30 - 8pm.  Singles, families, grandparents, and friends - all are welcome to be a part of the fun.  

This year our theme is Time to Wonder?!?! and will invite participants to engage in curiosity, experimentation, and wonder as they explore the earth, sky, and sea for signs of God's activity.

Register in advance for all 3 evenings (by no later than July 30th) to receive a camp-themed T-shirt.  

Cost: suggested donation of $35/person, $70/family

Note: If cost is a barrier to you, please consider this our gift to you.
If you would like to support us in offering this programming free of charge to others in our community, we welcome additional sponsorship donations.


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