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We are aware that some congregations around our Province continue to hold in person gatherings, even in light of the current Provincial Health Officer restrictions.  It is our desire for you to be made aware of some of the information and theology that has formed our decision to suspend our gatherings at this time. Our District Superintendant, Errol Rempel made this statement available last week.  We hope you will take the time to engage with it.  

Our Pastoral team have been grateful for wise and compassionate leadership from the District throughout this season.  Please continue to hold our faith communities around the Province in prayer.  We ask for wisdom and compassion for ourselves that will move us to reach out making Jesus known among us, around us, and beyond us, as we live, love, and serve out of the heart of the Gospel.

We give thanks that in Christ, the presence of Christ, the mission of God, and the experience of the Holy Spirit are gifts available to us always.  May you be encouraged by Christ's presence today.