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The Board of Victoria Alliance Church calls for a Special General Meeting to be convened on Friday, November 8th, 7pm.  

The general meeting will address the following motion from the Board:

The Board recommends a motion to the church membership to approve the plan for redesigning the church frontage, thereby securing the option of the proposed future renovation and expansion on our current site.  The funding of the proposed redesign will come from the Future Facility Fund.  The project (Phase One) is not to exceed $220,000. 



Due to the imminent completion of next door’s building project, we have had to move very quickly on decisions related to the installation of a sidewalk across the front of our building. How we decide to accomplish this could have a domino-effect impact on future renovations as we seek to use our building to make Jesus known among us, around us and beyond us.  It is our desire to move forward in a manner that retains for our congregation the option to fully utilize this site in accordance to the hopes and dreams we have to serve God's Kingdom.


For the past several years at Victoria Alliance Church, we have been seeking God’s vision for how we can best be making Jesus known among us, around us, and beyond us specifically with our church building. In considering this, we have together discerned that we need a facility which can:

  • Hold ~300 people
  • Expand our kingdom impact by housing a space with room for growth
  • Create spaces that can be utilized by our Greater Victoria community as well as our church community
  • Secure a physical building that will serve VAC into the next several generations, ensuring a continuous evangelical presence in this community
  • Embody our value around gathering by accommodating meetings for groups of various size
  • Places the care of our children in high regard by providing quality age appropriate spaces
  • Reflect to our community the passion and value we place on the message of Jesus
  • Honour the sacrificial giving of those who have come before us, and steward well the trust that has been passed on to us.


Hastened by the decisions required as a result of the development next door, the Board has been engaged in a process of discernment.  We have been considering all options regarding the facility needs of our congregation for both now and for future generations. The result of that discernment process was that the following motion was passed by our Board at its most recent meeting:

The Board affirms that it seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us that the Lord is inviting us to pursue the renovation and expansion of a facility on our current site that is in line with the criteria and values previously expressed through the work of the Future Facility Task Force, demonstrated in the drawings presented by Buck Perrin on September 21, 2019.


The Board desires to test their discernment by bringing it to the membership for confirmation.  Working within a limited time-line, we still seek to appropriately inform the congregation of the issue at hand, and to give time for the prayerful engagement with what is to be decided.  As such, you will have the following opportunities to be informed, ask questions, guide our considerations, and prayerfully decide:

Information Meeting, Friday November 1st, 7pm

This evening session will be an opportunity for us to gather and hear the backstory, the developments, and to have an up close look at drawings and plans.  All are welcome to attend.  We will have childcare upon request (through the office).

Drop in & Dialogue, Saturday, November 2nd, 10am - 2pm

If you are unavailable Friday night, or if you just have some more questions or comments, we will have the church gym open and staffed to provide as much information as possible.

Special General Meeting, Friday, November 8th, 7pm

All are welcome to attend and participate. In accordance with our bylaws, membership is required to vote. Childcare will be available upon request (through the office).