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Doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly (Micah 6:8) is a good work. Pushing forward to love the orphan and the widow and the downtrodden is what God asks of us (James 1:27). 

But we also know that on the seventh day, God rested. God also asked us to rest - I'd like to think that's because God knew we'd lose sight of what we're working for if we didn't take a minute to re-focus. 

We're never finished the work of being thoughtful about our faith, but sometimes before we can see things clearly we have to press pause and take oxygen into our lungs and give God a chance to speak to our hearts.

Take a minute with these questions this Thoughtful Thursday: 

What sort of restful things help you refocus?

Do you hold those things as God's gift of rest to you?

Could God meet you in those things?