As we grieve throughout the continuation of finding the unmarked graves of Indigenous children accross Canada, we want to continue to humble ourselves and listen and learn from the Indigenous people in our communities. 

One such person is Rev. Dr. Ray Aldred. I (Pastor Bekah) had the priviledge of being taught by him in several theology classes as a part of my degree, and I have fond memories of the stories he shared with us around fires at ministry retreats and events. You can read a full bio here.

Today's short video is from a few years ago, but the message remains the same today. 

Some questions to reflect on: How might Indigenous Theology be helpful to you on your faith journey? Did you hear anything new to you in Dr. Aldred's reflections? How did you react to his call to take personal responsibility for Canada's history? 

If you're interested, you can watch Part 2 with Dr. Aldred on 100 Huntley Street here.