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Back in November, we started wondering about how we could, as a community, begin to lean deeper into trusting prayer with Jesus.  Our current circumstances have led us to have an even greater thirst for that deep connection with Jesus that comes only in prayer. 

So here's an idea we hope may encourage you to lean into Jesus in the company of others.

Wednesdays, 12:30pm, Zoom Prayer Room - Facilitated Prayer

Each Wednesday lunchtime, we are inviting you to join our Zoom Prayer Room at 12:30pm for a facilitated prayer time.  This means a leader will guide us through a prayer session, and give us ample time to listen, trust, and follow the Spirit in prayer.  You can find a quick link on our website homepage, or click here for entry at 12:30pm on Wednesdays.

Sundays, 11:30am, Zoom Prayer Room - Requests for Prayer and Intercession

Following our online Sunday morning message and chat experience, you are welcome to join our Zoom Prayer Room at 11:30am to receive prayer for your requests and intercessions.  The room will be hosted, but there is no agenda.  Come as you are and receive the encouragement of corporate prayer.  You can find a quick link on our website homepage, or click here for entrat at 11:30am on Sundays.