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Some folks may not be aware, but Victoria Alliance Church has a very active compassion ministry funded through our Barnabas Fund.  The Barnabas Fund is distributed to those in our local community who require financial assistance or encouragement as an extension of Jesus' ministry in their lives. The fund has as its priority to offer help in a manner that leads to sustainable life change, including but not limited to the following:

    • recovery or addictions support
    • training
    • counseling
    • supply of basic physical needs (shelter, food, healthcare)
    • repairs or upgrades to required equipment (phone, car, computers, etc)
    • bridging finances to assist with unexpected life occurrences (unemployment, emergent situations, funeral expenses, etc)
    • encouragements during special seasons or holidays

We try to highlight your opportunity to support this fund with additional giving once a month on the Sunday we observe the Lord's Table.  As you prepare for worship this week, please keep the Barnabas Fund in mind.