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We don't always think of disciplines as something enjoyable - but if we were to train for a pie-eating contest, the discipline to train for that event could be amazing! (John Ortberg discusses this in his book The Life You've Always Wanted). 
"Amazing" is also the right word to describe the process of being grown in Christ, and this is the kind of thinking that may help to spur us on as we seek to develop the disicpline of daily Bible reading.

Consider these 6 Ways to Rethink time spent in Scripture:

  1. It can be easy to think about a discipline to read scripture daily as something you need to do.  Think of it instead as a gift that you get to do.  In the same way spending time in the presence of someone you love is never seen as a chore, the time we have to soak in the presence of the living Word is a pleasure.
  2. Many think of the Bible as a handbook or guidebook to life.  It can be helpful to rethink this notion, and replace it with the image of a love letter.  What is the scripture letting you know today about how the Father feels about you, thinks about you, reveals of Himself to you?
  3. Time spent reading the Bible does not earn you points.  A discipline of daily scripture reading is not a quiz, test, game, or competition.  The only thing time spent reading the Word of God will gain you is a greater appreciation for the One who is behind each word, and a greater sense of whose you truly are.
  4. Sometimes reading scripture is frustrating if we feel like we are not smart enough, or wise enough to understand it.  Lack of understanding need not be a barrier to enjoying the scriptures.  Rethink it this way - when something is mysterious, it can be truly wonder-filled, and pique my interest!  Dive in and satisfy your intrigue.  Perhaps add to your reading an on-line commentary, a dictionary, or help from a friend or pastor along the way.  
  5. Sometimes we think daily Bible reading requires a lot of time.  No one has extra time lying around.  Rethink this idea and replace it with the thought that time spent in scripture may in fact be the best way to help manage your time. God uses the word to reveal His heart, His values, His will, His mission, His eternal Kingdom, His agenda.  You may even find as you develop this discipline that you experience time actually stand still in His presence!
  6. I have heard it said by some that their daily Bible reading is their gift to God.  Rethink it this way - your daily Bible reading is your gift from God.  On their birthdays, young children jump early out of bed to open up the gifts their parents have chosen for them.  So too, we should, with great expectation, open the pages of scripture each day, asking our heavenly Father "What do you have for me today?"
I hope you are encouraged as you spend time letting God reveal more about Himself to you, His beloved.