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Every weekday evening, we're posting a short moment of pause (a meditation, a devotional, a time of prayer, time with God - it could be called all of the above!) so that we can slow our pace together thoughout the Advent Season. 

Here is a quote that explains the premise for this series: 

"In the 1960s, a Japanese theologian, Kosuke Koyama, wrote a book, Three Mile an Hour God (SCM Press). He noticed that the average speed that human beings walk at is three miles per hour. Jesus, who is God, walked at three miles per hour. God, who is love, walks at three miles per hour. Love has a speed, Koyama says, and that speed is slow. That speed is gentle. That speed is tender.

When you begin to think about that, it challenges those who think that God is only interested in speed, productivity, and efficiency. Jesus, who created the universe, the God who throws the stars into the heavens, is a slow God — a God who takes time to love. When you begin to recognise God in this rather counter-cultural way, things begin to change." (From a Church Times article on the Theology of Disability)

Here is week one. We hope these moments of slowness bring you closer to yourself and your creator this Advent season. 

Day One: Tired?

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life." -Jesus, Matthew 11:28 (MSG)


As you find stillness in your body: 
Breathe out, saying "I'm tired."
Breathe in, sayin "Jesus gives me life."


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season. Show me: what is really making me tired? I am paying attention.


Jesus has come to bring you life to the full.

You are loved. 


Day 2: Come & Rest

“Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it." - Jesus, Matthew 11:28,29 (MSG)


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe out, saying "Here I am"
Breathe in,  saying "in you I rest"


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.

What would you show me about the way I work, move, create? How might I adapt to how you do it?


Jesus can give you the rest you need.

You are loved.


Day 3: With

“Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace." - Jesus, Matthew 11:29 (MSG)


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe out, saying "I am here"
Breathe in,  saying "God is with me"


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.  

What would you show me about where you have been with me? how have you been with me? 


Immanuel means "God with us."  
Jesus is with you always.

You are loved.


Day 4: Grace

“Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Jesus, Matthew 11:29-30 (MSG)


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe in, saying "grace is enough"
Breathe out,  saying "I can rest"


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.  

What does an unforced rhythm in life look like? Show me where I need to experience your grace.


God's grace is sufficient for all things. It is a gift in Jesus.

You are loved.


Day 5: Lightly

"I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”  - Jesus, Matthew 11:30(MSG)


As you find stillness in your body:
Breathe in, saying "Jesus is near"
Breathe out,  saying "I am free"


Jesus, show me how to slow my pace. I want to keep in step with you this season.  

Reveal to me the burdens I struggle to lay down.  Why do I cling to them so? 
Remind me that you want me to be free.


Jesus' ways are light and easy when walked in step with him.

You are loved.