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Have you been participating with us for a while and wondering how to dive deeper into support and leadership at VAC?  There is an opportunity for you to connect with us in membership! 

Becoming a member of our church has two HUGE benefits:

  1. You will be encouraged.  As a member, you are alligning yourself with the vision and mission of Victoria Alliance Church in a way that you are bound to find encouraging. You will participate in mission with others who desire to make Jesus known - and moreover - you will share in the joy of the success of others. We are truly knit into one body, and share together in the strides we all make in sharing the love of Jesus among us, around us and beyond us. 

  2. You will be an encouragement! When you choose membership in this faith community, your desire to draw alongside others speaks volumes of encouragement to our members.  We are not meant to walk a journey of faith alone - community is a beautiful gift, with the Father's heart all over it!  Your membership is a tangible way that others feel the encouragement of being united in mission with others who seek to make Jesus known. 

Practically speaking, joining us in membership also means you are able to participate in Annual General Meetings and other church governance with your vote. There are also leadership opportunities, such as serving on committees or certain teams, that would be open to you.

If you are interested in the next step of church membership, please contact the church office by Sunday February 19th.