"We cannot look for quick and easy solutions because there are none." - Murray Sinclair, Chair, Truth and Reconciliation Commission


In the opening pages of the C&MA Truth and Reconciliation Prayer Guide is this video from Murray Sinclair, the Chair of the TRC. 

Murray takes a moment to illustrate the generations of education which resulted in the large rift between Indigenous peoples of Canada and those who have settled here.

The TRC believes that education can be the tool through which we close this rift and restore the balance between the first peoples and the settlers of Canada (or Turtle Island, as this land has been called by folks for many years before the name Canada even applied). 

Thought for this week: Reflect on what were you taught about Indigenous peoples in school. Did you learn any names? Cultural practices? Did you learn about Residental Schools or the Sixties Scoop? Consider where there might be gaps in your knowing and commit to learning something new this week.